How to Build a Closed Terrarium
Here's How to Build a Closed Terrarium
A closed terrarium is a miniature ecosystem that can be utilized as an educational tool due to its enclosed nature. It is an environment that contains plants and animals that require a low amount of maintenance, such as mosses and insects.
The substrate, the plants, and the water are the three primary components of this system. It is a habitat that is closed off from the outside world and contains plants and animals that require a low level of maintenance, such as mosses and insects. It is a common practice to use it as a piece of decorative furniture or as a dwelling for small animals.
The plants are typically maintained in soil, which can be periodically replaced to ensure that they receive the nutrients they require. They can also be grown from seedlings rather than from the seeds themselves.
Small fish, such as guppies or danios can also be kept in a closed terrarium. These fish only need to be fed once every two weeks with very few food pellets or flakes, so they are ideal for terrariums. It is also possible to cultivate lettuce, thatch grass, and onions, which are examples of plants and vegetables that need only a moderate amount of light to thrive.
Tropical fish are not meant to be kept in a closed lid terrarium. There should not be more than five or ten fish in a group for every gallon of water that the fish are kept in if the terrarium is closed.
In this blog, we will discuss how to make your closed terrariums. It's easy!
How to Build a Closed Terrarium Step by Step
The first step is choosing the right kind of plant. Many different types of plants can be grown in a closed terrarium, but not all plants need high humidity levels, nor do they need the same amount of light or water. It would be best to research which plants will thrive in your terrarium environment and choose accordingly.

The size of the terrarium should match the size of your plant. For example, growing a Cacti will need high humid conditions and direct sunlight for optimum growth, but it does not require a lot of light or water. On the other hand, growing an Orchid in a closed terrarium requires high humidity levels and a lot of light, but it doesn't need much water. You will use the design patterns featured in this book to make your beautiful terrarium.
Once you have chosen your terrarium plant, it is time to prepare its substrate. The substrate can be made from bark, coconut fiber, or gravel and should be moist enough for roots to grow into but not wet enough for water to seep through the bottom of the container.
The final step is to decorate your container using the materials that you have selected and then seal it back up. It is essential to ensure that your container is completely watertight so that no moisture can enter. It would be best if you also decorated the container that your sealed terrarium will be housed in with supplies that you have selected or that you believe would fit in nicely with the general theme of your terrarium.
3 Ways to Keep Your Closed Terrarium Looking Alive
The closed terrarium is a beautiful indoor plant to keep your house looking alive. There are many ways to maintain the beauty and health of your closed terrarium. One of these methods is by using activated charcoal.
Activated charcoal may be used as a cleaner and purifier by wiping it on the sides of the tank. It can be used as a soil additive, an air filter, and an insecticide. It is also effective in trapping odors and keeping the air fresh. It is also advised to wash the inside walls with diluted vinegar or lemon juice. To stay new growth living, you should fertilize your terrarium with a small amount of water that has been mixed with one packet of fertilizer.
The terrarium should be watered often enough to allow for the build-up of condensation on the inside walls. It has been found that the water vapor rises through the activated charcoal because it is not very porous and thus absorbs moisture. The water vapor then condenses on the inside walls of your terrarium and provides a vital source of moisture in dry settings. The use of activated charcoal in a closed terrarium can help keep it looking lively and fresh for years to come.
Here are some easy steps to help your closed terrarium look alive:
- Place the glass terrarium on a windowsill where it gets plenty of light and air circulation.
- Add a layer of gravel at the bottom of the jar to provide drainage for excess water and keep the soil from getting wet.
- Use a spray bottle to mist the plants once or twice a day with water, but avoid tap water as it can contain harmful bacteria and minerals that can harm your plants' health over time.
- Keep an eye on your terrarium for any signs of mold or fungus, which could indicate that your plants are not getting enough oxygen or that there is too much moisture in the soil mix, respectively; if you notice any, add a layer of gravel on the bottom of the jar to help provide drainage.
- Add your plants to the glass jar, burying them in the soil, so their roots are below the top of the ground; this will keep your plants healthy and growing!
- Try to include one flowering plant among your low-growing plants and some floating water vegetation such as reeds, leaves, or duckweed for oxygen and nutrients.
You can also place the jar on top of some rocks or stones to create an air space inside. The air plants will need more light and less moisture than the other plants to survive in the jar better than in your garden soil. The key is ensuring the plants have enough light and water while still keeping them alive and healthy.