5 ways to keep indoor plants alive: the ultimate guide

how do I keep indoor plants alive?

In this article, we will go over 5 different ways to keep your indoor plants alive. It is important that you take care of these beautiful and unique additions to your home, as not only do they add to the decor, but they can provide a lot of health benefits such as cleaner air and better moods. Follow this ultimate guide, and you will never have to throw out a dead indoor plant again.

The first thing we want to do is talk about why it's so hard for indoor plants to survive in the first place! Indoor plants have to put up with a lot of different factors that can cause them to die, and one size most certainly does not fit all when caring for your indoor garden. Each individual plant needs to be cared for differently, and you will have to tailor your care routine to the specific plant that you are trying to keep alive. That being said, there are some general tips and tricks that you can follow in order to increase the chances of keeping all indoor plants alive. Let's start with the obvious!

  1. water your plants

First and foremost, make sure that your plants are getting enough water. Yes, this may seem obvious, yet so many plant owners seem to forget this key step completely. Watering your plants is especially important for those that are kept in pots, as the soil will dry out much more quickly than if the plant was planted in the earth. If you are unsure if your plant is thirsty, follow the "soak and test" method by placing your plant in a container of water for 24 hours to see if it absorbs any water.

Watering schedules will depend heavily on the type of plants that you have in your home, so make sure to research how often they require watering before committing to a watering schedule. These guides are rough, but they will definitely help give you a starting point. Check the soil regularly to make sure it is moist, and water your plants only when necessary.


  1. do not water your plants...(too often)

Be careful not to overwater your plants, which is actually easy to do. Overwatering can lead to the development of root rot, which will kill indoor plants. Only water your plants when the top inch of soil is dry to the touch. If you live in an area with high humidity, you may not need to water your plants as often as those who live in drier climates. Always research the particular species of plant, as well as making sure you consider the environment within your home.

If you have species of plants in your home that require different types of water, such as distilled water or rainwater, make sure to provide them with the correct type of water. Failing to do so can lead to plant death.


  1. give them sun

One of the most common reasons for indoor plant death is a lack of natural sunlight. Many plants need bright, indirect sunlight in order to thrive. Think about it logically, plants come from the ground and have very little shade from the sun for the majority of their lives. Placing them inside is a massive change to their climate and needs to be managed for healthy, green indoor plants. If your home does not have a lot of windows, or if you keep your curtains drawn all day long, you will need to provide supplemental light for your indoor plants. There are a number of different types of indoor plant lights available, such as compact fluorescent and LED bulbs. Again, ensuring you research how much sunlight your specific plant requires will help you to keep it alive and flourishing.


  1. feed them fertiliser

Fertilisation of your indoor plants is another important aspect of keeping them alive. Feeding your plants with a water-soluble fertiliser every two weeks is usually a good start. However, be sure to read the instructions on the back of the fertiliser packet as different plants require different levels and types of nutrients. There are a variety of different plant fertilisers available for purchase and they usually come in either a powder or liquid form. Another important aspect of indoor plant care is checking the soil pH levels to ensure that it does not get too alkaline, which can cause damage to your plant's leaves.


  1. repot your indoor plants

Repotting is a great way to give your plant's some extra nutrients and rejuvenate them. If all else fails, and your plant is starting to look a bit worse for wear, it might be time to give it a new, more spacious home. Just make sure you use the same type of soil as the old pot and that you water the plant well after repotting.

Repotting indoor plants involves transferring the plant from its old pot into a new bigger one with fresh soil and ensure the new pot has better drainage properties. Sometimes a larger pot, with better drainage is all you need to make your dying indoor plants healthy again.

want more indoor plant care tips?

With this ultimate guide, you will never have to throw away a dead indoor plant again. If you want to learn more about fertilising your plants and the other techniques we mentioned in this article, read our blog post on how to fertilise your indoor plants!